Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Revelation: Shedding the layers

Photo image: Revelation: Shedding layers of Birch Tree

"Why do we hide beneath so many layers of "self"? What's the fear that drives us to wrap ourselves in layer upon layer of protection? What if the world saw beneath the lies, the masks, the false self that we project into the world. Would it be too painful to allow someone so close as to to witness the vulnerable, raw reality of our humanity?

Photograph of birch tree taken at Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Belmont, MA.


Test said...

Thanks for linking my blog to yours. You have very intersting and neat photos.


Coffee Joe said...

I think so often that feelings mean more than they do. I feel responsible for them, I judge them to be good or bad. I try to hide the "bad" ones. This does not make much sense but it is difficult to open up. Sometimes when i look back on something I hid, I laugh at myself. Sometimes shake my head. I have noticed that what I was afraid to reveal was not often the thing I really should have been worried about.

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