Monday, November 12, 2007

Cathedral in the Sky

Reflections on God's Sanctuary...

“There are times when grief comes to us all. When it does, our hearts are often drawn to man–made temples...places that are very commendable attempts to provide a beautiful representation of God’s holy, trustworthy, and comforting presence. But Jesus, who was burdened by sorrow, leads His followers instead to a place that is a much more astounding picture of the presence of the Almighty. He went to God’s Great Cathedral...where the skies are His stained glass, the meadows are His pews, the rivers His baptistery, the mountains His pulpit. And, the music...Oh, the sweet comforting music that comes from the voices of His Creation. It is music that can both rapture the heart and settle the spirit in the very same instant. Are you filled with sorrow as Jesus was? If so, there is a place for you to go to find solace. Step outside...take your broken heart to the openness of the temple God has made.” — Steve Chapman, author of Quiet Moments for Your Soul

Photograph taken at Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary in Belmont, MA

1 comment:

Coffee Joe said...

I love this photograph.

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