How can I serve thee, Lord?
A thought, a prayer, a small gesture towards a friend in need...
that, I believe, is how Christ calls me to serve Him in my day.
We may never know the impact someone's words or gestures
have in changing someone's outlook, heart or mind. I've found
that when I extend kindness and serve others ahead of my own needs,
God raises me to a new level of grace...one where the desire to serve
Him increases.
Lord, deliver me from my selfish ways that I may serve those in
need of hope, love, and faith today. Let your light shine through
me that others may see your Glory and be drawn to you.
In Christ, Hope is born anew. His Light casts out the darkness.
The promise of His love is everlasting.
A friend of mine is battling with depression, spiritual
warfare and a deep sense of hopelessness in her life.
I thought I might offer her a bit of hope to cast a ray
of light into this dark season of her life.
I found this little heart rock in my travels and added some
scripture quotes to this beautiful stationary to create a card for her -
A reminder that trusting Christ offers hope for our future.
(click on the image for a close-up of the sweet little heart rock)
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